Zip, sail, hike and climb to your next dinner destination. The 8 most exotic restaurants in the world!

These exotic restaurants are the perfect place for travel enthusiasts, foodies and adventurers alike. Whether traveling with friends, a loved one, or solo these 8 adventurous eateries are a must see (or taste!) Grotta Palazzese Hotel Restaurant – Polignano a Mare, Italy It’s been called the most romantic restaurant in the world, but we would go […]
11 Buses We Wouldn’t Mind Traveling The World In

Got wanderlust? Check out these renovated school buses that are something out of a traveler’s dream. The amount of travelers are growing every year but the amount of space they need is shrinking! These pictures are proof that less definitely is sometimes more. 1. I think this is nicer than my house tbh 2. We can […]
The Hardest “Would You Rather” For Anyone Who Loves Travel

7 Things Every History-Enthusiast Needs To Add To Their Bucket List

We all have a bucket list. The things we day dream about and can’t wait to experience. While mine is not centralized in the slightest, it is all the more reason to travel to every corner of the world and back. Saint Augustine once said, “The world is a book, and those who do not […]
With Brussels We Stand!

We are saddened by today’s acts of terror in Brussels. Our prayers and wishes for peace go out to the victims of this terrible senseless tragedy and to all the people of Europe. Today we all stand together and are all Europeans. We find ourselves working diligently to make sure all of our European travelers […]