International Educational Travel has a profound impact on students – A teacher shares memories of traveling with his students.

I remember seeing the tears of joy from an 11th grade student as he saw St. Peter’s for the first time in his life. He was so overwhelmed with emotion, he could not contain himself. He explained that after so many years of hearing, seeing, dreaming and wishing about this trip, it was finally here. […]
Go beyond the boundaries of your classroom. Carpe Diem!

Are the four walls of the classroom making you claustrophobic? You already know there is more learning when students experience the world first-hand. You have heard about science, math, literature, foreign language, music, art, life skills and Phys Ed teachers all doing ‘something special.’ It’s time to ‘carpe diem’. If any or all of the […]
Learning to Make My Way in a Wider World

I didn’t plan on getting a job during my study program in Paris, but due to a bizarre bank mix-up, my funds ended up trapped in my account and I was forced to improvise. At the time I was staying at a hotel where I had run up a rather lengthy bill, and when I […]
Counting Our Blessings

Thanksgiving is the time of year to reflect back and count your blessings. It is the time of year to tell our customers how grateful we are to have you as part of our family. We are passionate about student travel and it is a privilege to be able to provide these experiences to your […]
To Paris With Love

On behalf of Contemporary Tours our thoughts and prayers today are with all the people of Paris. We mourn for your fallen and pray for your wounded. We are privileged to spend time in this beautiful city and have come to know so many Parisians as friends. Mark Twain reminds us that “travel is fatal […]