Fiery, Feisty, and pumping with life! My heart belongs to Spain.

Fiery, feisty, pumping with life and bustling with an unparalleled energy – Spain has, and will always have my heart. A country unlike any other, one that vibrates with a polychromatic vibe, a vibe where Gaudi’s spirit emanates through buildings, a blend of languages color the streets and a certain joie de vivre lures you […]

Japanese Art in Modern Day Society

This summer, the modern Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, “Japan’s Andy Warhol,” exhibited his works at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in Chicago. The exhibit, The Octopus Eats its Own Leg, ran between June 6th and September 24th. When I visited Chicago, it was a must-see. But… Why?   Murakami with his plush Octopus crown […]

6 Eye-Opening Courses to Teach in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is known for its incredible biodiversity, friendly people, and beautiful beaches. It is also among the most assessable destinations for American tourists. Due to decades of tourism, the country’s infrastructure is more developed than other Central American countries, and the citizens (also known as Ticos) are ready for travelers (e.g. many people speak […]

Holiday Celebrations Around the World

Imagine spending Christmas surfing and sunbathing in Australia, or yelling “Happy New Year” in the middle of February surrounded by thousands of gorgeous Chinese lanterns. Traveling the world is an incredible experience, but when you have the opportunity to get a first-hand look at how other cultures celebrate holidays, it makes the experience that much […]

5 Tips for a Successful Study-Abroad Trip to the Amazon

Visiting any tropical rainforest is a life-changing experience, but the Amazon Basin is the granddaddy of all tropical rainforests and a trip there will shift how you view your place in the world! At roughly the same size as the continental United States, it is immense. These vast forests are the lungs of our world, […]